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Welcome to World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - Oceania! Sanctuary Church!
Does belief in God get in the way of science? The idea that science and religion are inevitably in conflict is a popular way of thinking today. But the history of science tells a different story.
Was the universe always here, or did it have a beginning? If so, how did it start? Mankind has debated these questions for centuries and has only recently begun to find some answers. And those answers may point to some even more intriguing conclusions.
Even staunch Darwinists have acknowledged that life in the universe displays an appearance of design, rather than being created out of random chance. If that’s true, where did that design come from? In other words, does a design require a designer?
Is there any meaning to life? Or is life nothing more than a cosmic accident? Scientific atheists claim the latter, but ironically, it’s science itself that suggests the former.
Some in the scientific community would disqualify intelligent design because it doesn't fit a particular definition of science. In this excerpt from a keynote address delivered in London in 2012, Dr. Meyer answers two fundamental questions in the debate, showing that intelligent design has just as much right to be considered as Charles Darwin's own theory of evolution by natural selection.
According to a nationwide survey, more than two-thirds of atheists and one-third of agnostics believe that “the findings of science make the existence of God less probable,” while nearly half of self-identified theists believe “the findings of science are neutral with regard to the existence of God.” But what if there is another option? What if the discoveries of science actually lend support to belief in God? Taped at the 2019 Dallas Science and Faith Conference at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.
This is a clip from the documentary "Revolutionary" featuring Michael Behe and Stephen Meyer discussing Behe's idea of "irreducible complexity" and the challenge it poses to Darwinian evolution.
The cell is what biochemist Michael Behe has called evolution’s “black box,” its spectacularly complex, superbly designed contents unknown to Charles Darwin. When the box was opened by modern science, it was a turning-point moment for the articulation of the modern theory of intelligent design. A revolution followed, fundamentally challenging how scientists discuss the history of life. Join Dr. Behe as he explores the mysteries of the cell, the limits of evolution, and how the cell points to intelligent design. This show is a re-edited compilation of the first five episodes of Behe's Secrets of the Cell YouTube series. Now you can watch the first five episodes all at once!
What happens when your body is cut? Why don’t you bleed to death? Join biochemist Michael Behe as he explores your body’s amazing emergency response system known as the blood clotting cascade. Learn how the body has its own 911 system and first responders that work to repair punctures to the skin before they kill you. This is Episode 7 of Behe’s video series “Secrets of the Cell.” More episodes can be viewed at https://michaelbehe.com/videos/secret... or
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